Ken's Weekly Top 5 - Issue # 104

In about a week, we kick off with our annual Chess & Fun Summer camp in Oakville. It’s an awesome week of chess, soccer, basketball, money lessons for kids, and other fun activities for kids aged 5 and 14. It’s certainly one of my best weeks of the year. We only have a few spots left so, if you’re looking for Summer camp ideas for your kids, I invite you to sign up and join us. Enjoy this issue where I share valuable ideas on tax and financial planning. Please remember to share this with everyone in your network:

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1. Fun Summer Chess & Fun Camp in Oakville

If you don’t have Summer plans for your kids or if you’re looking for an additional option, we run a one-week Summer Chess & Fun camp in Oakville. We are excited to announce that our 2024 Summer Chess & Fun camp will take place first week of July from July 1 to July 5, 2024. Our Summer camp is fun with chess, soccer, basketball, money management for kids, and other fun activities. Kids come out of this camp equipped with new skills, particularly, the money skills that many kids lack. At the end of the camp, in addition to elevating their knowledge of chess, your kids will know the difference between assets and liabilities; good debt and bad debt; assets that grow in value and assets that depreciate in value; the importance of saving, and many more. To learn more about our Summer Camp and to register, click here. And for a one-minute video of one of our 2023 camp, click here.

2. Taxes Will Set You Back If You Continue Doing What You’re Doing…

There is no doubt that taxes will increase in the coming years with the massive deficit our government is currently running. We’ve seen this recently in the 2024 budget proposal to increase capital gains taxes by the Liberal government. As you know by now, these taxes will be major obstacles as you plan to build long-term wealth.

So, what’s your plan to combat these taxes and grow your wealth?

Well, I have good news for you!

In this short video, I share more about the tax-efficient membership network where our overriding goal is financial transformation. Together, we learn how to build a Tax-Smart Plan that will allow us to:

  • Contribute or save money tax-free
  • Grow or accumulate money tax-free
  • Withdraw or distribute money tax-free

Check out the video here to learn more. And if you have any questions regarding our membership, you can schedule a FREE no obligations call with me here.

Note: Joining our membership is only open for a limited time till the end of this month, June 30, 2024 before we formally close this until a later date.

3. Do You Own A Corporation With A December 31 Year-end?

If you own a corporation with a December 31 year-end, your filing deadline is the end of this month, June 30th. As some of you may know, we provide a number of services for corporate clients including the preparation of your compilation financial statements and preparation and filing of your corporate tax returns. In addition to these, we provide other additional value-added services such as:

  • Streamlining and automating the majority of your bookkeeping processes
  • Doing a cash flow and budget analysis for your corporation
  • Estimating corporate tax liability and developing a plan for installment payment of your taxes
  • Corporate tax planning including how to invest corporate dollars and how to properly use insurance within your business to mitigate risk and plan for retirement
  • Corporate restructuring to ensure you’re organized in the most tax-efficient way
  • Remuneration planning to ensure you’re taking money out of your corporation in the most tax-efficient manner
  • How to use your corporation as a nest egg for your retirement in a tax-efficient manner.
  • And many more…

If you’re looking for solutions for your corporation consider working with me and my team at GMS Professional Corporation. Check out our standard service offering for corporations here. And when you’re ready to have a chat, book a time with me here.

4. The Three Accelerators of Wealth

Why are the rich getting richer and everyone else getting poorer? Are the rich smarter than the rest of the world? Are they more talented? What do they know that the rest of the population does not know? The answers to these questions can be varied and sometimes complex. It is certainly true that there are things that the rich know that the rest of the masses don’t know. In this article, I share three powerful accelerators of wealth that the rich have mastered. You too can learn more about these accelerators, master them, and employ them in your strategy as you build and grow your wealth. Read the full article here.

5. The Top Ten Reasons Why You Pay Too Much in Taxes

Whether you like it or not, taxes affect all of us. In fact, it is probably your biggest household expense (assuming you have a decent job or business). Yet, most people do nothing to manage their taxes. In this article, I discuss the top 10 reasons why you may be paying too much in taxes. Reasons ranging from lack of periodic tax planning, lack of optimization with family members and a lack of basic knowledge of our Canadian tax laws. This is one reason I created the Tax-Efficient Membership Network, a platform of like-minded people on a success path to tax-efficient wealth. If you want to build a life with little or no money problems, I invite you to check us out here.

Ken Green -

Read more from Ken Green -

Summer is quickly coming to an end and I hope you’ve been making the best use of the Summer so far. Tomorrow, I will be joining others here in Oakville for a multicultural festival organized by the Nigerian Community in Halton. So, I invite you to join me and many others to experience the food, music, dance and all the goodies from different cultures - Nigerian, the Caribbean, Asian, Spanish and other African communities. Enjoy this issue where I share some valuable insights for your Summer...

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Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and father figures out there. I hope you take some time to enjoy the beautiful weather we have this weekend. I had some fun as I went for a nice afternoon bike ride this weekend. In this issue, I invite you to consider joining our Tax-Efficient Wealth membership network and I share a few financial tips for your reading pleasure. Finally, if you’re looking for Summer camp ideas for your kids, we’ve got something for you so consider signing up before all...