Ken's Weekly Top 5 - Issue # 105

Last week, my business partner and I were in Greenville, South Carolina for a 3-day leadership conference specifically for accounting firm owners. There are too many key takeaways to share here. As a firm, we lead a service organization - an organization of people serving people. Therefore, to grow a service organization like ours, we have to do it through people. So mastering how to lead people (employees and clients) through the chaos that will naturally emanate from a service organization is a skill we will continue to work harder and harder to master. Enjoy this issue where I share some valuable ideas for your Summer pleasures. Please remember to share this with everyone in your network:

1. It’s Everyday Bro!

What differentiates the ridiculously successful people from the average and mediocre people? In our society today, we obsess about success. We love stories of highly successful people. And we long to have the same success. This is why we follow celebrities and influencers. When you look from the outside, all you see is the success and evidence of the success they have achieved. What you don’t see is what it took for them to achieve that success…

  • The multiple failures
  • The sleepless nights
  • The thousands of dollars they spent learning from personal coaches
  • The hours spent developing their craft
  • The daily repetition of critical habits they had to endure week after week, month after month, and year after year.

In this article, I share how you can master the nine things super successful people do every day so that you too can experience and achieve the same level of success you long for. Read it here.

2. The Type Of Income You Earn Matters…Do You Know Why?

When it comes to taxes, the term “income” isn’t quite as straightforward as you might think. In Canada, there are four main distinct groups of income you may have as an individual with a variety of different tax implications. In some cases, you may have sources of income with zero tax! So, understanding this and arranging your affairs accordingly will enable you to enjoy tax breaks that most people don’t know about. You can read and learn more about this here.

3. How Tax-Efficient Are You?

One of the undesirable outcomes of earning a lot of income or making a ton of money is taxes. And no matter your position on taxes, one thing is certain - taxes impact your wealth. The good news is that we all have the opportunity to minimize taxes and achieve financial freedom. This is why I wrote the book, Tax-Efficient Wealth, to provide you with an easy-to-implement blueprint that will enable you to build and grow your wealth in a tax-efficient manner. After reading this book:

  • You will have a solid knowledge of the key wealth drivers to build wealth and uncover the money mindset required to win the money game.
  • You will have a blueprint and a step-by-step plan to start your journey on building and growing your wealth tax-efficiently.
  • You will save taxes, have more money, and have the confidence to shatter all your money worries for life.

You can grab a copy of the book here and start your journey to tax-efficient wealth.

4. Seven Reasons Why You Are Broke

In life, the majority of us start out broke but you don’t have to remain broke. This quote sums it up very nicely…

“Being broke is part of the journey. Staying broke is a f..king choice.” —

In this article, I highlight 7 reasons why you are broke. So, if you want to break the cycle of being broke, simply do the opposite of these 7 things I shared in this article. And next time when you hear yourself say “I’m broke”, come back to this article and read it again. When someone you know complains that they are broke, share this article with them. After reading this article several times, you will have what it takes to get the results you want in life. You have what it takes to make all the money you want. So, go for it! I’m cheering for you. Read the full article here.

5. A Framework for Making Decisions…

We make decisions every day. Some of these decisions are significant while others are not. In fact, we regularly make decisions multiple times a day without realizing it. We do so because most of these decisions are routine. However, there are other potentially life-changing decisions that will require some serious considerations. When you’re confronted with a significant decision, how do you assess and make a decision? This quote by James Clear is a handy framework for making decisions:

"One filter I use for making decisions: How much can I influence the outcome after the initial choice is made?

When I can do a lot to influence the outcome, I'm less worried about risk. Even if the choice appears risky on the surface, I can likely create a good outcome with effort.

When I can't do much to influence the outcome, I'm more risk averse. Even my best effort won't move the needle. Your ability to influence the outcome after a decision is made is a crucial thing to consider."

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, shares insightful quotes like this weekly. Consider subscribing to his weekly emails for tips on cultivating winning habits. Check it out here.

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Summer is quickly coming to an end and I hope you’ve been making the best use of the Summer so far. Tomorrow, I will be joining others here in Oakville for a multicultural festival organized by the Nigerian Community in Halton. So, I invite you to join me and many others to experience the food, music, dance and all the goodies from different cultures - Nigerian, the Caribbean, Asian, Spanish and other African communities. Enjoy this issue where I share some valuable insights for your Summer...

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