Ken's Weekly Top 5 - Issue # 75

I'm excited to let you know that registration is now open for the 2023 Tax-Efficient Wealth Summit taking place on Saturday, June 10th in Mississauga. This is an in-person event with breakfast and launch included in your registration. We have a lineup of new speakers and new topics we will be exploring this year - all with the idea of building tax-efficient wealth. Check out all the details in this week’s top 5. Enjoy and please remember to share this with everyone in your network:

1. Are You Considering Ways To Minimize Your Taxes?

If you’re considering ways to minimize your taxes and build wealth in a tax-efficient manner, then you should make plans to join me at this year’s Tax-Efficient Wealth Summit coming up on Saturday, June 10th. This is an in-person live event in Mississauga that will give you the opportunity to connect with others just like you and potentially build new relationships in a great learning environment:

  • I will share some case studies focused on lowing taxes, including my real estate investment journey
  • Reni The Resource will share some creative ways to generate more income
  • Orlando Lopez will share ideas on how you can invest your extra income in a tax-efficient way
  • Sola Abidogun will share his story and how he and his spouse have used real estate and registered investments to build millions of dollars in investments

This will be an amazing event that I personally think will help you in your quest to build tax-efficient wealth. You can get all the event details here.

Feel free to bring a friend or family member with you to the event. The more the merrier. I look forward to meeting with you soon and hosting you at the event.

2. Tax Season Is Over…Now What?

For many of you, the tax season is over as you’ve now filed your taxes, paid your taxes owing or received a refund of your money from the government. The temptation now is to put this aside until this time next year.

No, No, No!! Not so quickly…

Now is the time to start planning so you can pay less tax next year, perhaps get a bigger refund or have your money working much harder for you. And there is no better way to kickstart that plan than planning to attend our upcoming Tax-Efficient Wealth Summit taking place in Mississauga on Saturday, June 10, 2023! This event will be in-person from 10 AM to 2 PM. This event will focus on practical ways you can build wealth in a tax-efficient way. We will review the key building blocks, case studies, and many more. Check out this short video as I share the # 1 reason you should join us:

video preview

3. The Battle Is Daily…Are You Prepared?

One of the reasons life is both interesting and challenging is the unpredictability of the daily battles we face, whether it is related to work, parenting, our faith, or other relationships we have. Those who thrive prepare (emotionally and mentally) for the best and worst-case scenarios. I was reminded of this when I came across this beautiful quote in my inbox recently:

"The most important battles must be fought anew each day.

Exercising today does not render tomorrow's workout unnecessary.

Supporting your spouse today does not mean you can mail it in tomorrow.

Learn to love the endless nature of things and life gets easier."

Yes, coping with life gets easier when you learn to love the endless nature of things and to live in an unpredictable world. James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, shares insightful quotes like this weekly. Consider subscribing to his weekly emails for tips on cultivating winning habits. Check it out here.

4. 20 Quotes To Inspire You To Invest In Yourself

I believe that the best investment you can ever make is an investment in yourself. If you realize that you’re the #1 asset in anything you do, then you will begin to prioritize investment in yourself.

And this is why.

If you’re employed, you were for a reason — for the special skill you possess. So you must keep investing in yourself to stay on top of your game if you want to keep getting promoted and keep getting higher bonuses.

If you own a business, you are the business. You make all the critical decisions. You hire the best people. You are the top sales and marketing guru in your business. So, if you want to keep generating higher and higher income, you have to stay on top of your business by investing in yourself.

If you don’t invest in yourself, no one will. You invest in yourself by:

  • Learning and growing in your knowledge in critical areas.
  • Learning how to learn.
  • Hiring coaches and mentors to collapse time and avoid costly mistakes.
  • Growing in your spirituality.
  • Mastering the mindset of successful people.
  • Mastering how to effectively build relationships and how to work with people.
  • Learning how to build communities and how to build a movement.

It is suggested that you invest at least 10% of your gross earnings in yourself. Oftentimes, if done correctly, this investment will yield rewards that are multiple times what you invested. That is the power of investing in yourself. In this article, I share 20 quotes to inspire you to invest in yourself. Read the full article here.

5. About Your Spending

Spending less allows you to set the stage for wealth accumulation. As I’ve written in the past, it is important to focus on all the variables in this equation:

GAP = Earned Income — Expenses — Taxes

When it comes to building wealth and achieving financial independence, we often focus more on Earned Income. We’re constantly looking for ways to earn more. As a result, we pay little attention to the other variables. While all the variables in the equation are important, the easiest place to start is with your expenses. The reason for this is that cutting your expenses will give you immediate results and momentum.

Reducing your expenses may require you to make lifestyle changes. However, when you make a lifestyle change, it’s much easier to stick to it if you see results right away. For this reason, you get a great boost of momentum that can last for a long time. Not only does spending less put more money in your hands almost immediately, but it also comes with benefits. I share those benefits in this article. Enjoy.

Ken Green -

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